Synopsis Kyriakoulis, an EOKA fighter, is arrested by the British. In order to take revenge, his comrades kidnap David (Kostas Kastanas), son of a British woman (Zorz Sarri) who is friends with the...
Eleni (Betty Livanou) is married and has a child. In an attempt to escape the boredom of her daily routine, she meets a good man (Antonis Theodorakopoulos). They have a passionate relationship that la...
Two cousins inherit a house, which presents them with a problem, because they have different ideas about what to do with it. Achilleas (Vaggelis Seilinos) wants to turn it into a nightclub where he co...
An 18-year-old boy (Alkis Kourkoulos) leaves his home in search of Skiachtra, an enchanted girl-fairy he met one night by the river. He sets off on an adventure that turns out to be a journey of initi...
An inmate of an asylum for conscientious objectors is released from the institute after 20 years of confinement. He wanders about in a place that doesn’t remind him of anything from the past, and ev...